Tue, 18/02/2025 to Tue, 15/04/2025

The DAAD-DIES is pleased to announce the call for applications for its International Deans’ Course Latin America on Strategic Faculty Planning, Financial Management, Quality Management, Online Strategies, Human Resources Management, Negotiation Strategies and other soft skills. This intensive program will bring together leading experts and 25 participants from Latina America to explore the latest advancements and challenges in this fields in the higher education institutions.


Course Details:

  • Dates: September, 2025 - April, 2026
  • Location: Europe & Latina America
  • Eligibility: Preferably-PhD Deans or Vice-Deans, aged 30–50, proficient in both English and Spanish and from either Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay or Peru.
  • Application Deadline: 15 April 2025, 23:59 CET.


Course Highlights:

  • Interactive lectures and discussions with renowned EU and LA experts
  • Hands-on workshops and case studies
  • Networking opportunities with professionals from diverse backgrounds
  • Cultural exchange activities


How to Apply:

Interested candidates are encouraged to visit our website at the course description for detailed information about the course and application process. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2025, 23:59 CET.


About the IDCLA Team:

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK),  Saarland University (Germany) and University of Alicante (Spain), are jointly organizing the DIES-International Deans’ Course for Latin America.

This intensive training course is part of the DIES Program (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies), which has been jointly coordinated by DAAD and HRK and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since 2001 (

The DIES IDC LA is co-organized by Saarland University (UdS) and the University of Alicante (UA). Both institutions have been cooperating for a long period of time in projects focused on the evaluation, development, and improvement of university management in higher education institutions.



Eva Nossem, Institutional Coordinator

Natalia Villalba, Project Coordinator


Saarland University
Campus A 5.3, Room 2.01.1

66123 – Saarbrücken Saarland, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 681 302 2793

Carolina Madeleine, Project Coordinator

Eva Sánchez, Project Administrator

Institutional Project Management Office

University of Alicante
C/ San Fernando, 40, Ático

03001 – Alicante, Spain
Tel.: (+34) 965 909718