IDCLa 2019-2020 Webinars
06/11/2019  After Module 1 in Germany and Module 2 in Spain, seven webinars had been carried in order to go into the topics developed in both modules in depth by adding a regional approach.Research Management by…   Read More
Strategic Action Plan
28/09/2019  We look forward to welcoming your SAP! Deadline: February 1st, 2020 Foto de Alejandro Escamilla      Read More
Training Module 2 in Alicante ended (2019-20)
27/09/2019  25 Deans of Central and Latin American Higher Education Institutions attended this 5-day course to develop and improve their competence in Quality Management, Research Management, Financial …   Read More
The new edition of the International Deans’ Course for Latin America set in motion! (2019-20)
16/09/2019  The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and the Universities of Alicante (Spain) and Saarland (Germany) jointly organised this new edition of the DIES-…   Read More
2nd DIES IDC LA Alumni Networking Meeting
30/03/2019   Haven't you signed up yet? What are you waiting for? You can check the draft program for the conference -just send us an e-mail and we will sent it to you and you can sign up by completing the…   Read More
Module 3 has already started!
26/03/2019  Thank you PUCP for hosting us and Rector Efrain for coming for the opening ceremony!    Read More
Module 3 and 2nd DIES IDC LA Alumni Meeting in Latin America held in Peru!
25/03/2019  Module 3 and 2nd Alumni Networking Meeting were held last week hosted by the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Thank you to all the participants for the great job done. It has been a…   Read More
SAP time
04/03/2019   Strategic Action Plan deadline: March 4th, 2019. Foto de Alejandro Escamilla      Read More
22/08/2018  DIES - INTERNATIONAL DEANS' COURSE LATIN AMERICA 2018/19   The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), the Universities of Saarland (Germany) and Alicante (…   Read More